• art direction
    Yosuke Kobayashi(Kitchen Sink.)
  • design
    Kotaro Kawashima(Kitchen Sink.)
  • illustration
    Hikaru Matsubara
  • architecture
    Masaaki Takahashi(tentplant)
株式会社Kitchen Sink.(キッチンシンク)
tel. 03-5428-2833
fax. 03-5428-2834
mail. info@kitchensink.co.jp
Kitchesn Sink. Inc.
Elstanza Daikanyama Terrace 405 1-21-14 Ebisu-nishi ,
shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0021, Japan
tel. +81(0)3-5428-2833
fax. +81(0)3-5428-2834
mail. info@kitchensink.co.jp

Kitchen Sink.はグラフィックデザインを中心した

Kitchen Sink is a visual communications studio with a focus on graphic design.
“Make everything beautiful and refined” is our motto. From every business endeavor, to the creative team and service, every detail is executed with optimal form and precision.
No matter if the client or job is big or small, every project is carried out with intention, and the perfect solution found.

代表 小林洋介
デザインプロダクションE.を経て、2009年、Kitchen Sink設立。
Born in Niigata city in 1975.
Graduated from Faculty of English Literature of Meiji Gakuin University.
After working the design production E, he established Kitchen Sink.
In 2007 he won JAGDA Newdesigner Award.